Have I been underestimating Small Step, Giant Leap? (Fen & Crowbar) [Standard]
I was planning to build another deck before today’s event, but I forgot my Axiom uniques at home, so I ended up bringing out Fen & Crowbar again. This ended up working out, since the games I played over the weekend had me reconsidering my anti-Small Step, Giant Leap stance, and I was curious to test it out as a 1-of. Previously, I had written off the card for being useless until the final turn of the game, like a burn spell in Magic: The Gathering. What I had missed is that Small Step ends the game before progression at dusk. I’d liken it more to a free spell where just having it in hand reduces the number of progressions you need to achieve by one. At its best, it invalidates your opponent’s plays on the final turn and substantially changes your win condition. ...