I opened another display today that ended up being a great one all-around. It had an above-average seven uniques, including a strong Red for Afanas & Senka, a stunning alt-art Shenlong in foil, and a Gulrang & Tocsin 2023 promo (not pictured since I’m leaving it unscanned for now). The only thing it was missing is Lyra uniques!

I’ve looked over cards from the set more closely since my last writeup, so hopefully that helps with my evaluation of uniques:

Update (2024-09-04): I’ve added my numeric ratings.

Bravos Pathfinder

Bravos Pathfinder - 3/7

This Bravos Pathfinder compares more easily to the Bravos Vanguard rare: you’re trading one stat and a card from reserve per trigger in exchange for the seasoned ability. The decks that already want the Bravos Vanguard effect focus on boosting and recurring seasoned characters from reserve, so the upside of being both a boost target and a boost enabler could be enough to overcome the loss of resources required to trigger its ability.

Axiom Scrambler

Axiom Scrambler - 2/7

Dusk is the worst time to sabotage, if you’re even able to meet the condition of controlling three or more characters. The only thing this card has going for it is its stats when played from reserve.


Red - 5/7

One of Afanas & Senka’s premier boost targets, now sporting two relevant disruption abilities. I don’t think it’ll be too hard to give an opponent’s character fleeting, play one or two cheap spells, then sabotage their best card before the next day starts. This should usually be worth the stat trade-off; the only question is if you’d prefer to play another unique so that you can play three copies of Red at rare.


Shenlong - 3/7

In theory, I’d be thrilled to trade a mana orb for a character in the late game while putting down a boatload of tough stats. In practice, I think it will often be awkward to hit something worthwhile since you first have to get this 6 mana character into your reserve in a faction without an easy way to cheat it there. Plus, once it’s ready to be deployed, you’ll have to hold 6 mana up, so your opponent will know to play around it. That said, the tough 2 is even better here than on a typical large character, since it’s more important that Shenlong makes it safely to your reserve.


Issun-bōshi - 2/7

Even if it ends up asleep from reserve, this isn’t a bad card, just an underwhelming one. It doesn’t help that its strength is its reserve stats, which counteracts the appeal of the common version of the card: its support ability.


Chiron - 2/7

I don’t think the harsher condition on this Chiron’s ability is worth the stat increase. I usually like this support ability, but if you’re including a card like this to boost your characters, I’d prefer to have the option to get a second double-boost when playing this from reserve.


Ratatoskr - 3/7

A fourth Foundry Mechanic rare that contributes to a go-wide gameplan if you draw it late. Although it’s likely not impactful enough for a unique slot, I like that it beats a 1/1/1 on the first day and lets you play out your The Monolith, Ordis Bastion or Ordis Carrier ahead of schedule.

Edit (2024-12-03): 4/7

Foundry Mechanic (F) is a desirable enough rare that this has a home in any aggressive deck that runs permanents.